Pronouns: (she/they)
Art has always been an important part of my life. I became interested in tattooing around the age of 14 and haven’t stopped learning since! I have immersed myself in every part of the craft including learning about the history, and cultural significance of the art form. I spent a lot of time and energy connecting with as many people in the industry as possible, visiting local shops and conventions to learn everything I could. I am heavily influenced by my father, he always taught me tattoos were special and beautiful. He passed early in life and tattooing keeps me close to him. I got my first job at a tattoo shop in 2018 and began tattooing in October of 2020.
If I wasn’t a tattooer I dream of being a florist. I have two black cats; Yoshi & Poe. I have a beautiful family and a Big doggo named lilac ♡
I have an unhealthy addiction to Limon.
When you arrive for your appointment you may see me wearing headphones. I struggle with anxiety and wearing headphones can help with my sensory overwhelm. However, I love connecting with my clients so please feel free to chat with me even if they are on! Please don’t ever feel like you are disturbing me!
¡Hablo español!